The following is a list of current benefits enjoyed by members:

2024-2025 Annual Dues                 Regular/Affiliate          Associate        Student    Retired

AFWA National                                        $199                           $99                $45           $75

Billings Chapter #100                               $45                           $10                $10            $10

How to Become A Member

To become a member of the AFWA Billings Chapter #100, join online at by clicking the box "Join Now".

AFWA's new corporate membership program offers companies discounts and additional benefits for enrolling several members.  Go to and click the box "Corporate Membership Program".  The brochure has complete information on how to become a corporate member.  Corporate membership enrollment is handled directly by AFWA National Headquarters. They can be contacted at or at 703-506-3265.

Billings Chapter Membership Chair Contact information: Ann Deegan ( & Rachel Osburn (